How do you want to display and experience your images?

Beautiful Prints and Albums

Images of our families are like gold.  They give us the instant FEELS!!  Straight up!!  They are often considered our most cherished possessions!!! They are the things we say we will grab first when packing the car to escape danger (after kids and fur babies of course).  How we display our images matters – it’s important!!  It not only tells the story of our lives, it preserves our history, our growth, our connections.

They are our memory anchors!!

When we touch them, run a finger over a face and ‘feel’ it again, remember the exact colour of a door, feel the kindness of someone treasured… we are almost taken back to a time and place where we can smell that adorable new born baby breathe… or we can hear the squeal of a toddler giggling from a cuddle puddle… maybe its being taken back to moment where we can ‘FEEL’ viscerally, the nerves, happiness, love… of that day when we said “I do”…

Please Print them out…

Yes, we are so lucky to live in a time where so many people have access to cameras and are taking so many images.  My biggest fear, is that we aren’t printing those beautiful ordinary every day life moments out, to be seen, to be enjoyed, to scream at our kids ‘you matter to me’ (that’s why I have you as an 30 x 40 inch framed print on my wall)!!  Getting our family stories captured and then printed so they will last our lifetime and theirs, either as magnificent Wall Art that you see every day, reminding you of being connected… or whether stored in a beautiful heirloom story telling album, so we can look back each and every year and witness the growth that has happened in our families…  being reminded of that big ugly brown couch, that was so comfortable and squished us all in to snuggle whilst we watched trolls for the 36th time…


Investing to get your beautiful ordinary captured is a priority… but so is remembering what we forgot!  It’s not so much fun sitting around a screen, flicking through images… it is however glorious to pull out an album, a box of loose prints, or looking up to our walls, to see our love, our connections our beautiful ordinary as it should be seen… a beautiful life being lived and loved.  Display your images in all their beautiful magnificent wonder…

Talk to me about how you want to see your Beautiful Ordinary on the Walls, in Albums, or some other fantastic creative way… so we can always be reminded how important it is to Remember what we forgot
